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4 Types of Intention Candles (& How to Use Them)

types of intention candles

Candles are a popular tool for setting intentions and manifesting desires.

Whether you are trying to attract love, abundance, or clarity, lighting a candle and setting an intention can help you tap into your inner power and bring your goals to fruition

There are many different types of intention candles available, each with their own unique properties and associations. 

Here are some common types of intention candles and their associations:

Types of Intention Candles

Colored intention candles 

Different colors of candles are associated with different energies and intentions. For example, pink candles are associated with love and relationships, while green candles are associated with abundance and prosperity.

Other common colors and their associations include:

  • Red: passion, energy, strength
  • Orange: creativity, joy, abundance
  • Yellow: happiness, clarity, communication
  • Blue: tranquility, communication, wisdom
  • Purple: spirituality, intuition, wisdom
  • White: purity, clarity, protection
types of intention candles herbs

Scented intention candles

Scented candles can be used to enhance the atmosphere of your intention setting ritual and add an extra layer of intention. 

For example, lavender scented candles can be used to promote relaxation and clarity, while peppermint scented candles can be used to boost energy and focus. 

Experiment with different scents and find what works best for you.

  • Lavender: relaxation, clarity
  • Peppermint: energy, focus
  • Rose: love, romance
  • Sandalwood: spiritual growth, clarity
  • Jasmine: love, prosperity

Herb intention candles

Candles made with herbs and essential oils can be a powerful way to set intentions. Different herbs and oils have their own unique properties and associations, so choose ones that resonate with your intention. 

  • Rosemary: love, memory
  • Basil: abundance, clarity
  • Sage: wisdom, protection
  • Chamomile: relaxation, tranquility
  • Thyme: courage, strength

Crystal intention candles

Candles made with crystals can be a powerful way to amplify your intentions. Different crystals have their own unique properties and associations, so choose ones that resonate with your intention. 

  • Amethyst: spiritual growth, inner peace
  • Citrine: abundance, success
  • Rose quartz: love, compassion
  • Clear quartz: clarity, focus
  • Black tourmaline: protection, grounding

Remember, the most important aspect of setting an intention with a candle is the intention itself. Choose a candle that feels intuitive to you and resonates with your intention, and focus on your visualization and the positive aspects of your intention.

Trust that your intention will manifest in the perfect way and the universe will conspire to bring it to you.

types of intention candles crystals

Can i light two intention candles at the same time?

Yes, you can light two candles with different intentions at the same time.

You can choose to light two candles of different colors, scents, herbs, or crystals to represent different intentions. Or you can choose to light two candles of the same type to represent different aspects of the same intention.

For example, you might choose to light two pink candles to represent different aspects of love, such as self-love and romantic love.

Or you might choose to light one green candle for abundance and one purple candle for spiritual growth.

Now that you’ve chosen your type of intention candle

It is important to be clear about your intentions and focus on them as you light the candles. 

Take a moment to state your intentions out loud or in your mind and visualize what it looks like and feels like in your mind.

Hold this visualization in your mind for a few minutes as you focus on the candle flames. Learn how to set an intention with a candle here.

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